Sunday, November 6, 2011

BodySpace - Your Key for Fitness Goal Achievement!

Amber Alexander
By Amber Alexander

It's happened to you or to someone you know - starting into a combined fitness and weight loss program with great intentions. But after a short period the goals get lost in a sea of busy schedules, conflicting priorities, and weakening motivation.

What went wrong?

Most times it's lack of support. Studies show that people surrounded by a solid support system, be it family or friends, are much more likely to achieve success with their fitness goals.  However, often times this need for support goes unsatisfied. 

One solution to this is BodySpace,'s online fitness social community.  Here you'll find literally hundreds of thousands of like-minded fitness individuals sharing information about their fitness journeys.

Most importantly, you'll find support.

BodySpace members create profiles about themselves, about their goals, and about their progress.  Communication among the community members is excellent, with an abundance of encouragement and goodwill toward people of all ages and fitness abilities.  Membership is totally free, an incredible value for anyone with a fitness goals that wants to share with others.

So go check it out! Click here to go to BodySpace now, create an account and join the community! 

Amber is a figure competitor, fitness instructor, fitness model and a candidate for's BodySpace spokes model, her username is Amber3478. Vote for Amber at the BodySpace spokes model contest site now!

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