Following is an excerpt from my upcoming book on new fitness paradigms.
Bodybuilders have a bad rap. We’ve created a stereotype of them as dumb, rude, steroid-gulping knuckleheads to be avoided like the plague. The fitness industry overall doesn’t do a great job to counter this, presumably some think we all want to look like the Incredible Hulk, smashing our fists through walls and doors and crushing people’s car hoods. In truth, a bodybuilder is anyone doing resistance training to improve their physique based on their own personal goals. That’s it. They’re as likely to be your neighbor, your doctor, or the person standing next to you in the checkout line. So let’s dispense with any existing notions or mental images of bodybuilders, we in fact have much to learn from them.
Resistance training – the use of free weights and other resistance equipment – provides the single best and most important form of exercise for just about anyone. No other activity will provide the overall benefit of dramatically improved muscle size, muscle strength, tendon strength, joint strength and stability, and the additional benefit of increased bone density (stronger bones less susceptible to breaks, fractures, and osteoporosis). So who knows the most about this? Traditional bodybuilders, that’s who. These folks have been practicing resistance training for decades and have accumulated untold levels of understanding in this area. No, that doesn’t mean you will look like Arnold, you won’t, but you may be surprised by what you can look like.
And for women it’s totally critical to know that resistance training absolutely will not make you “look like that” - the most common reason why women reject the entire notion of weight lifting and resistance training. Ladies, time to drop this as your excuse to not do resistance training, you won’t look like female version of the Incredible Hulk, but you will look sleek and toned and you will enjoy your body and your life at least 100% more than you do now, I will personally guarantee that!
An unfortunate aspect of resistance training is that an incredibly small minority chooses to use illegal steroids as an artificial means to get ahead in competitive bodybuilding, and it’s just as unfortunate that these people get a majority of the sport’s publicity, it shouldn’t be that way but it is. Don’t let that taint you toward lifting in any way, shape, or form. Resistance training and proper diet provides your path toward a better life, and it’s especially important for women to understand that instead of “looking like that”, you can in fact achieve the most beautifully feminine physique of your life, even after 50!